Babies change SO much as they grow and not only do they change but every baby is different.   I’m a proud Mom of three beautiful girls and I can tell you they are all very different.  They have different personalities, moods, and behaviors.

Although they are all very different, the one thing that has always been the same about my babies is they thrived when on a schedule!  Schedules don’t have to be everything planned out every day.  I probably wouldn’t be able to live like that!  However, it is good to have a schedule when it comes to the times your baby eats and sleeps.

I want to give you a little more information about babies 9 to 12 months old before we get to the schedule.  It’s always good to have information regarding our sweet babies!


General Information About 9 to 12 Month Old Babies

  • This is a beautiful age for your baby! This is when baby starts to really become interested in crawling around, making messes, and wants to put everything under the sun in their cute little mouths.
  • They are less sleepy but should still be taking 2 naps during the day.
  • Your baby is starting to get better at trying to communicate with you. When they’re unhappy or want something, they might start to scream until they get it.
  • At this stage, they should be able to wave goodbye and say “Mama/Dada” clearly.
  • Solid foods are really important and needed during this stage of development. Solid foods will help aid in their nutrition and help them become better sleepers.  An adequate amount of food throughout the day will help them sleep at night. Yay……………….by this time we all need some extra sleep!
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Sample 9 to 12 Month Old Baby Schedule

I’ve used this schedule with all of my kids and it works for me.  I’m sure it’s not the only schedule out there but give it a try.  That’s what parenting is all about sometimes.  Try it to see if it works.

7:00 – 7:30am This is usually when my sweet Madelyn gets up.  I usually put her in the Mamas and Papas chair (which I love and use ALL the time) and give her some Cheerios or Puffs so I can make my other daughter breakfast.  Once I have my other daughter all set up with her breakfast I take Madelyn out of the chair, clean her off, and breastfeed her.  We then usually sit on the floor and have some free play time all together.

9:30 – 10:00am This is when I put Madelyn down for her morning nap.  She usually only naps for about 45 minutes for her first nap.  I give her a kiss, put her down in her crib awake, leave the room, and shut the door.  Sometimes she cries for a few minutes before she falls asleep but I have been doing this since she was born and find it much easier to put her down awake.  It helps her to learn how to self sooth in order to fall asleep without assistance.

10:30 – 10:45am This is when she usually gets up from her morning nap.  I breastfeed her and we will continue the playing, have school time up in our playroom with Grace (my 3 year old), or go outside.  I love to take the girls on walks to find really cool things or just talk about the beautiful outdoors.  When we go outside Grace walks and I either push Madelyn in the stroller or the 4-in-1 Stroll ‘N Trike.  The Stroll ‘N Trike is amazing!  Madelyn likes to be a little more independent and not just lay in the stroller.  So, this Trike is perfect for her.

12:00 – 12:30pm Lunch time with Grace at the table

1:00 – 1:30pm Afternoon nap time for everyone!  I put Grace and Madelyn down for a nap at the same time.  I follow the same routine as the morning nap for both girls. First, I give Madelyn a kiss, put her down in her crib awake, leave the room, and shut the door.  Then I take Grace to use the restroom, give her a kiss, put her down in her bed awake, shut the door, and leave the room.  If you start a consistent routine like this for nap time it will be so much easier for you and your child. Kids love consistency and you won’t have to fight them to get them to nap.

3:00 – 3:30pm The girls will usually sleep until this time.  Somedays a bit longer.  When they get up I will breastfeed Madelyn and give Grace a snack.  At this time, I let Grace watch a little TV and once Madelyn is don’t nursing we play in their rooms or in the family room.

7:00pm This is our dinner time.  It might seem a little late but it works for us and our family.  I also have a 14 year old and she is always busy and sometimes my husband works late.  We really think it is so important to have a home cooked meal all together as a family and this is the time we can do that.

7:30 – 7:45pm Bath time

8:15 – 8:30pm I breastfeed Madelyn one more time and then put her to bed.  I continue to use the same bedtime routine. I give her a kiss, put her down in her crib awake, leave the room, and shut the door. During this time, Daddy reads Grace a book, she watches a few minutes of TV, and then she goes to bed.


I think this schedule is a great schedule and it works for us.  It might work for you too and don’t be afraid to change it around so it can be perfect for your family too!





Other Baby Items I LOVE……………………




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